Saturday, September 18, 2010

...but not gone?

I cleaned out the hive box yesterday. When I came home from work and opened it, there were maybe 6 bees inside, just stubbornly licking out the last traces of honey. I filled the feeder--why not, I already had the syrup made--and then totally dismantled the hive.
A lot of bees showed up at the feeder, not 10 minutes after I filled it. I set the hive back up and gave them all the combs except the worst infested, which I gave to the chickens. Then I noticed I'd set the box backwards, and many of the bees were trying to find a way in at what used to be the entrance. So I picked it all up and turned it around the way it used to be. After watching a bit more, I set the combs back in one end of the box, about 8 bars, with the follower board to close it up. I should mention I did all of this naked. That's how hard core I am. The only trouble the bees gave me is that some of them really like to drink the sweat from my face and that can get ticklish.
I refilled the feeder again this afternoon, and spent some time trying to track the bees leaving the feeder. They go up and over the house--and then I can't see them anymore. There are still a lot of them going in and out of the hive box.
This evening when I put my ear to the box, there was a perfectly audible hum. Again, I don't have the faintest idea what's going on. Are they moving back in since the hive is clean? Or are they just finishing robbing out the old combs?
I'll keep feeding. I will try to resist opening the hive. I'll observe and report.

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