Monday, January 24, 2011


Since the bees left, I haven't felt the urge to blog much about the goings on here in the forest. There have been some changes: of the chickens, one died of some kind of internal disorder, one of eating something he shouldn't, and four by fox. In order: Yang, Schooner, Mini-Roo, Ying, Dinghy, and Josie.

We are fortunate in that none of those perished were laying hens. In fact, the balance of the flock has shifted strongly towards young hens and we hope to get a lot of eggs this year.

Llirpa, the calico, had a malignant toe (suspected melanoma) removed in December. Amusingly, her temperament has improved enormously and today she accompanied me, Camille, and Magda out for a wander through the forest--the first time in her 14 years she has done so!
The forest is still sleeping, despite the intermittent warm days. There were no violets yet, only a few new sprigs of cleavers. Why is it called cleavers? this pic says it all:

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