Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Devil's Walking Stick

I noticed today that in sunny areas a little south of us, the devil's walking stick (Aralia Spinosa) is starting to flower. I think the bees are going to love that, & the hive is nestled in a grove of it. Goldenrod is not far away, either.
Mark cut me some slats to slip between the honey comb bars, and that seems to be working really well.
Planted lemon grass, sweet potatoes, and malanga today, in the back yard. Pulled a couple of air potato shoots (damn things came in with a bag of scavenged mulch a couple years ago & I'm trying to stay on top of them so they don't eat my forest). The calabasa is starting to run, so I encouraged it to stop strangling my bay laurel and instead run across the ground. Picking jalapenos, thai chilies, and cayenne peppers daily. Some lilies my mom dug from the Pontchartrain lot, which James calls alligator lilies, are flowering, as is the dancing girl ginger and the passion vine. Other gingers are sending up flower spikes. The four o'clocks are especially rampant this year, and I've managed to cultivate a few more of the yellow ones so there's some variety. They're more fragrant than I recall. Pine cone ginger (awapuhi) is making cones, but I haven't seen any flowers on the night blooming jasmine yet.
Over the winter, I've decided, I'm going to finish moving the day lilies and glads to the back yard.
That blighted front area can them just have the azaleas, the native petunias, and ferns. Although there is some kind of ginger that's sprouted this year. A lovely bass wood tree has come up, but it's somewhat overshadowed by a scrubby oak that I pretty much want to cut down, yet can't bring myself to kill.
Not really any news, today. Summer holding pattern.

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